Rajat hails from Rajasthan, India and loves what he is doing. Despite facing immense challenges, he...
Ami hails from Bombay (present day Mumbai), India and has found her happiness in observing people. ...
A few months back, we took a survey with some questions on gender equality and based on the...
Kapil has some quirky choices and as he calls himself "Jack of many...". I would also call him...
Born and raised in north India, Aditya is currently working as an impact consultant which is...
Himan is born and brought up in northern India, loves to play guitar, and loves to spread happiness...
Born and raised in Toronto in Canada, Jonathan is working as a student advisor at the University of...
In this episode, we will dive deep into the life of an environmentalist who started with a...
In this episode, tune into the story of Eliana who is born and brought up in the south of Italy...
You might have heard about the concept of Ikigai which talks about finding out what you like to do...